Abscess Figure 2d

Figure 2d: Retrobulbar abscess and enucleation in 1-year-old male rat< (Leon.)
Case history and photos


Leon was 1-year-old on May 1st, 2005. He is from a rescue situation and lives in Bigis rat group since he was a baby. He also has three brothers who live with him. They are all black and white and extremely huge rats. Leon is the shyest of the 4 boys.

Clinical Signs

The left eye appeared bulging, reddened and irritated.


Retrobulbar abscess.


Leon was started on an antibiotic, chloropal-mite (chloramphenicol) 12 drops twice daily. It was necessary for the vet to perform an enucleation (removal of the eye) and clean the area. The area was closed with sutures, and high dose antibiotics were continued to fight and prevent any further spread of infection.


Despite the removal of the eye, and treatment for the abscess, the infection spread systemically. They eye cavity again filled with pus, and swelling of tissues of the head was evident. Leon’s condition deteriorated rapidly and he was clearly in discomfort. In order to prevent Leon from any further suffering the decision was made to euthanize.


The photos below show the eye before surgery and post-op.

Photo 1: Bulging and dessication of the eye due to abscess.

Photo 2: Post enucleation

Photo 3: enucleated area closed with sutures

Photo 4 : additional view

Case history and photos courtesy of Bigi and Leon


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2000 - 2025 by Karen Grant RN. All rights reserved.
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Please note: Rat Guide email is not checked daily. If you have an urgent medical problem with your pet rat, it is always best to take your rat to a qualified veterinarian experienced in the care and treatment of rats.