The Team

aka "kuddles4u"Rat Guide Founder and Lead Author
Karen Grant RN, is the founder an owner of the Rat Guide, and has researched an authored the majority of the articles found here. She lives out west with her husband and his pigeon, and one to four rats.
aka "bellaratta"Rat Guide Art and Illustration
"Bella" Joanne Hodges lovingly designed our illustrations for the Rat Guide, and contributed many photos and articles for the Breeding Guide. She was also very involved with the Florida Ratlist and Rat and Mouse Club of America. Bella lived in Florida. We lost her to illness in 2018.
aka "wererat"Rat Guide Administrator
Kristin J. Johnson writes very few of the articles here, but is responsible for making the Rat Guide play nicely with whatever device you are reading this on. Kristin lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, and, when the stars are right, a few rats.