Lens Luxation Figure 1

Figure 1: Anterior lens luxation in female rat (Gemma).
Case history and photos


Gemma was a rescued, double rex female rat with peach colored fuzz and ruby eyes. She was born in late August 2003. There was no reported history of previous illness. Gemma was housed together with three female cagemates.

Clinical Signs

In November of 2003 the owner noticed a reddish-white crescent-shape inside the left eye. Gemma did not exhibit any signs of pain or discomfort. An appointment with the vet was made, and she was seen within that week during which time the lens had popped out of place and fallen forward.


Anterior lens luxation of undetermined cause.


The vet determined that surgical repair/lens removal was of too great a risk in a rat, and that the condition could be medically followed in the event any secondary complications presented.


By December 10th of 2003 the lens of the left eye was almost completely out of place, and by December 25th the lens had settled in to its final position at which time the eye began to shrink. No further changes occurred to the eye, and she adapted well with the just the use of her right eye. The condition never slowed down her activity, and she continued to enjoy running for hours on a rodent wheel every day.


In May of 2004, two of Gemma’s cagemates passed due to age related disease. Gemma showed close emotional attachment to her remaining cagemate Melanie. Two additional girls were adopted to become cagemates. However, when Melanie died in August of 2004, Gemma grieved to the point of illness and succumbed.


lens luxation

In the photo to the left a crescent-shape can be detected in the left eye as the lens begins to fall forward. The center photo shows continuing displacement of the lens, and the photo to the right shows the lens is completely displaced.
lens luxation

Row 2 photos depicts the anterior lens displacement from 12/31/2003 to 3/18/2004 as the position of the lens settled.

Case history and photos courtesy of M. Angel King


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The Rat Guide and its affiliates accept no responsibility for misuse or misunderstanding of its information. This guide in whole or part, exists solely for the purpose of recognizing and understanding the care and illnesses in the pet rat. Please seek advice and treatment from a qualified veterinarian in the event your rat is or becomes ill.

2000 - 2025 by Karen Grant RN. All rights reserved.
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