Lipoma Figure 3

Figure 3: Lipoma in a 30-month-old male rat (Badger).
Case history and photos


Badger, a 30-month-old intact male rat with a history of respiratory issues.

Clinical Signs

For the last several months of his life the rat presented with a soft slow growing subcutaneous mass in the area of the ventral thoracic region.


A fine needle aspirate was performed and the mass was identified as a lipoma.


Due to the rat’s advanced age and poor health it was decided not to surgically remove the mass. Since the mass was benign, non-invasive, exhibited a slow rate of growth, and did not interfere with the rat’s daily activities it was not viewed as a critical surgery.


Badger died from respiratory illness at 30 months old. The necropsy shows a typical benign lipoma with minimal attachment. Had the rat been a candidate for surgery this would have been a simple tumor removal.


Photo 1: Postmortem view of the subcutaneous mass. Photo 2: The lipoma is exposed when the skin is peeled back.

Photo 3: After the lipoma has been removed you can see the minimal attachment to the underlying tissue (arrow). Photo 4: The dorsal view of the mass shows the point of attachment (arrow). Photo 5: The bisected lipoma shows scant vascularity.

Case History, necropsy, and photos by J. “Bella” Hodges with the owner’s permission.


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2000 - 2024 by Karen Grant RN. All rights reserved.
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