Tumor Figure 6

Figure 6: Retrobulbar tumor right eye in male rat (Voldemort).
Case history and photos


Voldemort was a 27-month-old, neutered male. He was housed with 1 spayed female, 1 intact female, and 4 neutered males. He had no previous health problems.

Clinical Signs

At 27 months of age, it was noticed that Voldemort’s right eye was starting to noticeably bulge from its socket. He otherwise behaved normally and showed no other signs of illness. He was immediately taken to the vet on August 7th of 2007.


Suspicious for retrobulbar tumor right eye.


Due to the age of the rat, surgery was not recommended. TriOptic-P Ophthalmic Ointment was prescribed and applied to the eye 4-6 times a day in order to keep the eye moist. Over the next 15 days the eye continued to bulge further out of the socket soon preventing Voldemort the ability to close that eye. The eye became so dry at that point that the ointment was no longer helping.


On August 22nd of 2007 the decision was made to have the eye and tumor removed for the sake of the rat’s comfort. No histology was done on the tumor.


At first Voldemort thrived after surgery, but on Sept. 8th of 2007 he started showing signs of lethargy and was taken back to the vet and had subcutaneous fluids injected. Voldemort continued to go downhill becoming more and more lethargic, and suffered from loss of appetite. Soft foods were hand fed to him in an effort to keep him eating. On October 3rd of 2007 the decision was made to euthanize Voldemort. The vet suspected the tumor of being cancerous and that it had spread to other parts of his body. No necropsy was done.



Photo 1: Shows exophthalmos (protrusion/bulging) of the right eye due to tumor.

corneal dessication

Photo 2: Close up view shows further exophthalmia, corneal dessication, and an injected sclera right eye.

enucleation of eye

Photo 3: Shows sutures at site of enucleation (surgical removal of eye) and tumor removal.

Case history and photo courtesy of Cindy, www.rattyrat.com


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The Rat Guide and its affiliates accept no responsibility for misuse or misunderstanding of its information. This guide in whole or part, exists solely for the purpose of recognizing and understanding the care and illnesses in the pet rat. Please seek advice and treatment from a qualified veterinarian in the event your rat is or becomes ill.

2000 - 2025 by Karen Grant RN. All rights reserved.
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Please note: Rat Guide email is not checked daily. If you have an urgent medical problem with your pet rat, it is always best to take your rat to a qualified veterinarian experienced in the care and treatment of rats.