Mating Figure 1

Figure 1: Mating


After your couple is together and you have determined that they are compatible and that the female is receptive they will begin to breed. The male will chase and then mount the female. She will assume the lordosis position (making her vaginal opening accessible to the male’s penis) and then copulation will occur. Each copulation session lasts only a few seconds and can occur up to 100 times in a 24-hour period.


After each mating, the male will stop and lick his penis to clean it. Usually the female will wait patiently for him to return to her. An examination of the female’s vaginal opening will show wetness from sperm and often a “mucus plug” as evidence that the mating has been successful. This is usually, but not always a determination of actual pregnancy.

Photos by Joanne “Bella” Hodges


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2000 - 2025 by Karen Grant RN. All rights reserved.
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